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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What do you value most in a university?

Hey there! I'm just curious about everyone's opinions on what makes a university stand out. What aspects or qualities are you looking for in a college when considering where to apply?

a year ago

Hello! It's always interesting to hear different perspectives on what people value in a university. To kick off this discussion, I'll list a few key aspects that many students often look for when searching for the right college:

1. Academic programs: A strong and diverse selection of majors and minors allows for exploration and growth in your chosen field. Look for universities with well-regarded programs in your area of interest.

2. Location and campus: Some students prefer a bustling urban environment, while others might be drawn to a serene, rural setting or a smaller, close-knit community. Make sure the location and campus atmosphere suit your preferences.

3. Class size and faculty interaction: Small class sizes often lead to more personal attention from professors, and can foster closer relationships with peers. If this matters to you, research the student-to-teacher ratio and opportunities for research or collaboration with faculty.

4. Extracurricular activities: A wide range of clubs, organizations, and sports can enrich your college experience, by helping you both pursue existing hobbies and passions and discover new ones.

5. Financial aid: Attending college can be an expensive venture. If affordability is a concern for you, prioritize schools that offer generous financial aid packages, scholarships, or grants to help ease the cost.

6. Reputation and alumni network: A strong alumni network can prove advantageous when entering the workforce or pursuing graduate studies. Research institutions with extensive connections and a solid reputation in your chosen field.

7. Internship and job placement opportunities: Some universities have well-established partnerships with local businesses and organizations, resulting in formative internship opportunities during your undergraduate years that can help kickstart your career.

Hopefully, this list gives you an initial framework for your thinking, but remember that each person's priorities may differ. It's crucial to determine which factors matter most to you personally when forming your college list and ultimately choosing one particular institution. Best of luck in your search!

a year ago

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