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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can someone explain 'weeks spent per year' in context of ECs?

Hi everyone! Quick question: when filling out the Common App or other applications, what is meant by 'weeks spent per year' in regard to extracurricular activities? Like does it mean total weeks or weeks per school year? Appreciate any help!

9 months ago

Hello! The "weeks spent per year" in the context of extracurricular activities on the Common App or other applications essentially refers to the number of weeks you participate in a particular activity during each school year. This allows admissions officers to gauge your level of commitment and understand the time you're dedicating to that particular activity.

When calculating the weeks spent per year, consider the time you put into that activity only during the school year and exclude any additional time spent during summer or vacation periods. For example, if you participate in a club that meets 20 weeks during a school year, you would input "20" as the weeks spent per year for that extracurricular.

If you're involved in a seasonal activity like a sport, make sure to include only the specific weeks that allude to your participation within that sport's season. In this case, it's crucial to be accurate, as overestimating your involvement may potentially harm your credibility. Keep in mind that providing an honest representation of your activities and the time invested in them is essential, as colleges appreciate a true reflection of your engagement instead of inflated numbers.

The one exception is for extracurriculars that take place during the summer or are year-round activities. In that case, just count the number of weeks you spend in total over the course of the entire year, not just the school year.

9 months ago

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