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ucla pre-business economics

Hi all, I was wondering if UCLA offers a pre-business economics program for undergrads? I've heard that business econ is competitive, so is there something like a pre-business track I should know about?

9 months ago

Hi there! Yes, UCLA does offer a Business Economics major for undergraduates. This program is a combination of economics, business, and accounting courses, and provides students with a strong foundation in all these areas. The major is housed within the College of Letters and Science, which ensures that students are exposed to a well-rounded education.

Students interested in this major usually apply to the College of Letters and Science as undeclared within their interest area (in this case, social sciences) and then pursue the prerequisite courses required for the Business Economics major. These courses typically include introductory economics, calculus, and accounting. It's important to note that admission to the major is competitive, and you'll need to meet specific GPA requirements in the prerequisite courses to apply.

To increase your chances of success, it's a good idea to maintain a strong academic record and get involved in relevant extracurricular activities, such as business clubs or internships, to comprehensively demonstrate your passion for the subject. Once you've met the requirements and gained admission to the major, you can then dive deeper into specialized courses that cater to your personal interests in the business world.

In summary, UCLA doesn't have a separate "pre-business" track within their economics department, but they do have a Business Economics major that may provide you with what you're looking for. Prospective students interested in this competitive major should focus on performing well in the required prerequisite courses and engaging in relevant extracurricular activities. Good luck!

9 months ago

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