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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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PSAT score distribution – where do I stand?

Hey all, how do I know where I stand based on my PSAT score? Is there a score distribution chart or something that I can use to figure out where I compare to other students? Thanks for the help!

a year ago

Hey! Indeed, there is a score distribution chart that can help you see where you stand in comparison to other students who took the PSAT. The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which sponsors the PSAT/NMSQT, releases data on the percentiles of the test-takers' scores each year.

First, you'll want to identify your total PSAT score, which ranges from 320 to 1520. Next, you can refer to the percentiles from the NMSC. Here's an example of how the percentiles might look:

- Top 1%: 1460-1520

- Top 5%: 1340-1450

- Top 10%: 1280-1330

- Top 25%: 1190-1270

- Top 50%: 1060-1180

- Below 50%: 320-1050

Since these percentiles can change from year to year, I'd recommend checking the NMSC website for the most up-to-date percentiles.

Keep in mind that the PSAT is primarily a preparatory test for the SAT, which is typically more important in college admissions. However, strong PSAT scores can lead to National Merit Scholarships, so it's useful to know where you stand. Focus on improving your skills and preparing for the SAT or ACT, as those play a more significant role in college applications.

a year ago

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