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Humanities research topic ideas?

Hi everyone! I'm looking for some fresh and intriguing research topic ideas that would be appropriate for a high school project. Ideally looking for humanities as that's what I'm more interested in.

a year ago

Hi there! Finding an interesting research topic is essential for a successful high school project. Here are a few ideas across different humanities subjects that you might find engaging:

1. Social Studies:

- The role of social media in shaping modern political discourse

- The effects of gentrification on urban communities

- Comparing the goals and outcomes of various social movements (e.g. civil rights, women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights)

2. Psychology:

- The influence of nature vs. nurture on personality development

- The impact of sleep on cognitive function and mental health

- The effects of visualization and mindset on athletic performance

3. Literature:

- Analyzing the representation of women in classic literature vs. modern works

- Examining the role of dystopian fiction in reflecting societal fears and concerns

- Exploring the influence of fairy tales and folklore on contemporary storytelling

4. Art and Design:

- How changing technology has influenced the evolution of graphic design

- Analyzing the cultural and historical context of specific art movements or styles (e.g. Impressionism, Abstract Expressionism, Street Art)

- The impact of public art installations on urban environments

These are just ideas off the top of my head, so definitely keep brainstorming yourself. But hopefully something here sparks some creativity for you!

a year ago

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