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USC Viterbi Essay Examples: Where to find?

Hey guys, I'm applying to USC Viterbi and I need some inspiration for my essay. Does anyone know where I can find some example Viterbi essays? I've tried searching online but I'm coming up short. Your help would mean a lot to me!

9 months ago

Finding specific examples of USC Viterbi essays can indeed be difficult online. While there are quite a few platforms with sample essays, you'll likely have the most success on forums and websites where students are sharing their application experiences. A few places where you might come across such essays include College Confidential, Reddit's ApplyingToCollege subreddit, and even YouTube.

Keep in mind, though, that it's important to use these example essays only as inspiration, rather than trying to replicate their content or style. College admissions officers are looking for unique and authentic essays that demonstrate a student's personal perspective and experiences. To engage the reader, think about integrating your own narrative, values, and interests while addressing the prompt. Reflect on personal experiences related to your engineering interests, any specific research, projects, or activities that influenced your passions, and how the Viterbi School of Engineering can support your future aspirations.

Remember that the focus should be on showcasing your passion for engineering and your motivations for choosing USC Viterbi. Try brainstorming ideas that highlight your dedication to engineering, your understanding of the field itself, and how USC Viterbi aligns with your long-term goals. That way, your essay will not only be unique, but it'll also be engaging and convey a strong narrative. Good luck!

9 months ago

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