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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Getting a dorm room by myself, is it possible?

I'm getting ready to apply for colleges, and I'm curious about dorm life. Can you get a dorm room all to yourself, or are you always required to have roommates? How do you request a single dorm room if it's allowed?

a year ago

It is indeed possible to get a single dorm room at many colleges, though availability and policies can vary greatly between institutions. Typically, single rooms are more limited in number compared to shared rooms, and they may also be more costly. Some colleges prioritize single rooms for upperclassmen, students with medical needs, or those who request them for specific reasons.

To request a single room, you will likely need to fill out a housing application form provided by the college. This form will generally include an option to state your preference for a single room. Keep in mind that expressing a preference does not guarantee you will receive a single room, as they are often in high demand and limited in number. Make sure to submit your housing application as early as possible to increase your chances of securing a single room.

If you have a medical condition, disability, or other special circumstances that warrant a single room, you should also contact your college's disability or accessibility services office. They can provide guidance on how to secure a single room based on your needs and any required documentation.

In any case, it's important to remain flexible, as not all colleges can accommodate every student's preference for a single room. Shared dorm experiences can also offer valuable opportunities for personal growth, socialization, and learning how to live with others.

a year ago

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