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Writing competitions for teens

Hey everybody, I'm an aspiring writer and I'm looking to join some writing competitions to boost my college application. Does anyone have any recommendations for writing competitions aimed at teenagers? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! It's wonderful that you're looking to join writing competitions to improve your skills and boost your college application. There are numerous writing competitions available for teenagers, so I'll list a few notable ones to get you started:

1. Scholastic Art & Writing Awards: This prestigious competition accepts entries in various categories, including poetry, short story, essay, and more. Winners may receive recognition, scholarships, and publication opportunities. Learn more here:

2. YoungArts: YoungArts offers a national competition for aspiring teen writers in multiple genres, including short stories, poetry, and nonfiction writing. Prizes include cash awards, mentorship, and workshops. Visit their website at

3. New Voices Young Playwrights Festival: If you're into scriptwriting and playwriting, this competition allows high school students to submit their original plays. Selected plays are produced and performed at the festival. Check it out at

4. The Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award: This is an international poetry competition open to poets aged 11-17. Winners may receive various prizes and publication opportunities. Find more details at

5. The Bennington Young Writers Awards: This competition is open to high school students who can submit work in poetry, fiction, or nonfiction. Winners receive monetary prizes and publication on Bennington College's website. Learn more at

Remember to pay attention to submission deadlines, guidelines, and entry fees, if any. Best of luck in your writing endeavors, and I hope these competitions can help you showcase your talents and boost your college application!

a year ago

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