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Which major is best for pursuing anesthesiology?

I'm really interested in anesthesiology as a career and want to set myself up for success in college. I've tried researching the best majors for this field, but I'm still kind of lost. Could you guys help me out with some suggestions?

a year ago

Certainly! Pursuing a career in anesthesiology involves attending medical school after completing your undergraduate degree. This means that your primary focus in college should be to choose a major that prepares you well for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and successfully complete your pre-medical coursework.

The most common major for pre-med students is biology, as it covers a lot of the material tested in the MCAT and aligns with many of the prerequisites for medical school. Another option is biochemistry, which similarly tackles the knowledge required for medical school and the MCAT.

However, these are not the only options; you can major in any field as long as you fulfill the required pre-med courses (which generally include biology, chemistry, physics, and math). Some students choose majors like psychology, anthropology, or even humanities, as long as they complete the necessary science coursework alongside their major classes.

Ultimately, choose a major that genuinely interests you and in which you believe you can excel academically. Medical schools value students with strong GPAs and diverse academic backgrounds. Excelling in your chosen major and completing the required pre-med coursework will show your dedication and preparedness for a career in medicine, including anesthesiology.

a year ago

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