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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Converting Unweighted GPA to Weighted GPA

Hi, guys! Quick question: is there a way to accurately convert an unweighted GPA to a weighted GPA? I want to compare my GPA with my friends', but our schools have completely different weighting systems. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! Converting an unweighted GPA to a weighted GPA isn't an exact science, since different schools use different weighting systems and scales. However, you can create an estimated weighted GPA by taking your unweighted GPA and factoring in the difficulty of the classes you took. Follow these steps as a rough guideline:

1. Make a list of all the advanced or honors classes you took (like AP, IB, or honors courses).

2. Assign a "weight" to these advanced courses (commonly +0.5 for honors and +1.0 for AP or IB).

3. Add the corresponding weight to the unweighted grade you received in each of these classes.

4. Average the adjusted grades for all your classes to get an estimated weighted GPA.

Keep in mind that this method is an approximation and may not perfectly align with your school's specific weighting system. Each school may use different criteria for weighting courses, so the best way to ensure accuracy is to consult your school's guidance counselor for the specific weighted grading scale used.

Remember, this estimation might not fully reflect your academic achievements, as colleges are aware of the discrepancies in how GPAs are calculated. They'll focus on the rigor of your coursework and your performance in those courses relative to the grading policies at your school.

a year ago

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