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AP Japanese Study Guide

So, I'm taking AP Japanese and wanted to know if anyone has any recommendations for good study guides or resources? I get easily overwhelmed with all the choices out there, so any advice would be helpful!

a year ago

Hello! AP Japanese can be a challenging course, but there are several study guides and resources you can use to help you along the way. I'd recommend the following:

1. College Board Resources: Start by checking out the College Board website for AP Japanese. They provide an overview of the course, sample exam questions, and scoring guidelines. This official information will give you an idea of what to expect on the exam.

2. AP Japanese Textbooks: There are a few textbooks out there specifically designed for AP Japanese, such as "Strive for a 5: AP Japanese Practice Tests" and "新AP日本語能力向上教材." These books usually include practice exercises, grammar and vocabulary review, and test-taking strategies.

3. Online Resources: Websites like Quizlet and Memrise have AP Japanese flashcard decks that you can use to review vocabulary and kanji. Additionally, you can search for YouTube channels and podcasts that focus on Japanese language learning. A popular YouTube channel is 日本語の森 (Nihongo no Mori), which offers grammar lessons in Japanese with English subtitles.

4. JLPT Resources: The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is a well-known and respected assessment of Japanese language proficiency. Since the AP Japanese exam is roughly equivalent to JLPT N2 or N3 level, you can use JLPT study materials such as "Sou Matome" and "Shin Kanzen Master" series for additional practice.

5. Practice Listening and Speaking: To improve your listening and speaking skills for the exam, you can try resources such as JapanesePod101 or HiNative. JapanesePod101 offers a wide range of lessons targeted at various skill levels while HiNative is a language exchange platform where you can ask native speakers questions and practice speaking.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so be consistent with your studying and try to expose yourself to Japanese as much as possible. Good luck!

a year ago

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