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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Accessing AP Exam Score Report

Hey guys, I'm a little bit stressed about finding my AP exam scores. Can anyone guide me on how and where to access my AP exam score report?

9 months ago

Hello! No need to stress - accessing your AP exam scores is a fairly straightforward process. You can find your AP scores by following these steps:

1. Visit the College Board website (https://apscore.collegeboard.org/scores).

2. If you already have a College Board account, simply log in with your username and password. If you don't have an account yet, click on "Sign Up" to create one. Make sure to use the same email address that you used when registering for your AP exams so that your scores are linked to your account.

3. Once you're logged in, click on "View Your Scores." If your scores have been released, they should be displayed on this page. Keep in mind that scores are released in waves based on your location, so if your scores are not yet available, check back periodically or refer to the score release schedule on the College Board website to see when they'll be released in your region.

4. If you still cannot find your scores after following the above steps, you can contact College Board's AP Services for Students by phone at (888) 225-5427 or email them for assistance using this form: https://form.collegeboard.org/193

Remember, while AP scores are not a major factor in college admissions, they can be used for college credit or placement. In any case, try to focus on the overall picture of your academic profile and stay positive. Good luck!

9 months ago

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