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Any tips for writing the 'Why UMich' essay?

I'm working on my application for the University of Michigan and I need some advice for the 'Why UMich' essay. Any helpful tips or examples you guys can provide would be great! Thanks!

a year ago

Certainly! The "Why UMich" essay is an important part of your application, as it shows the admissions officers why you are interested in attending the University of Michigan and how you would fit into the community. Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling and genuine essay:

1. Do your research: Spend some time researching the specific programs, professors, clubs, activities, research opportunities, and campus traditions that you find appealing about UMich. This will help you demonstrate your genuine interest in the school and show that you've put thought into your application.

2. Be specific: Instead of writing generic statements like "UMich has a great engineering program" or "I love the campus atmosphere," give specific examples that will help your essay stand out. Mention the name of a particular professor whose work you admire or a unique course that caught your attention, or discuss a particular club or extracurricular activity that you would like to join.

3. Connect your interests and goals: Explain how UMich's offerings align with your academic and career goals, as well as your personal interests. For example, if you're interested in studying environmental engineering, you could discuss how UMich's strong engineering program, combined with research opportunities and community outreach programs, will help you gain the skills and experience needed to address environmental problems in your future career.

4. Show your fit: Admissions officers want to see that you would be a good fit for the UMich community. Describe any personal qualities, values, or experiences that align with UMich's ethos and culture. For example, if you value community involvement and have a history of volunteering, mention how you would like to contribute to UMich's service initiatives.

5. Be authentic: Your essay should sound like you and reflect your genuine interest in attending UMich. Avoid using cliches or trying to sound overly polished. Write in your own voice and share your personal thoughts and feelings.

Here's a brief example to help you get started:

At the University of Michigan, I am particularly excited to join the XYZ research lab under the guidance of Professor Jane Doe, whose work on sustainable energy systems aligns with my passion for renewable energy solutions. As a member of the lab, I look forward to contributing to the development of new technologies and the pursuit of a cleaner, more sustainable world. Additionally, UMich's Engineers Without Borders chapter offers a unique opportunity for me to blend my engineering skills with my commitment to making a real, lasting impact in underprivileged communities worldwide. Outside of academics, I am excited to embrace UMich's vibrant campus culture by joining the ABC club, where I can continue pursuing my passion for photography while documenting memorable moments for my fellow Wolverines. With its academic excellence, innovative research, and rich campus life, the University of Michigan is the ideal place for me to flourish, both personally and professionally.

a year ago

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