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How Difficult is AP Art History?

Hi everyone, I'm considering taking AP Art History to fulfill one of my elective requirements. How challenging is the class, and what kind of workload should I expect? Any tips from those who've taken it would be great!

9 months ago

Hi there! AP Art History can indeed be an interesting and worthwhile elective choice. As for the level of difficulty, it largely depends on the individual, your interests, and the way it is taught at your school. Generally speaking, AP Art History is considered to be moderately challenging compared to other AP courses.

In terms of workload, you should expect a significant amount of reading, as well as some memorization. The class covers a wide range of art from different time periods and geographical locations, so you'll have to familiarize yourself with key terminology, historical context, and artistic techniques. Many students find the visual analysis aspect enjoyable, but remembering details about numerous artworks might be a bit time-consuming.

To help with the workload and excel in the class, try out these tips:

1. Stay organized: Keep a notebook or digital documents to categorize information by time period, artistic style, or themes.

2. Develop mnemonic devices: Create funny or catchy stories to connect art pieces to their titles, time periods, or artists.

3. Study regularly: Because you'll cover a vast amount of information, it's crucial not to fall behind. Spend time each day reviewing notes and memorizing key facts.

One last thing to consider is how this elective aligns with your other courses and personal interests. If you have a strong interest in art, culture, or history, this class might be a perfect fit for you and help showcase your passions in your college application. Keep in mind, however, that you should balance your course load to accommodate AP Art History if you're already taking several other demanding AP courses.

Best of luck, and I hope you enjoy the class if you decide to take it!

9 months ago

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