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Skidmore Merit Scholarships—How to qualify?

Hey everyone, I'm really interested in Skidmore College, and I was wondering about their merit scholarships. Does anyone know how to qualify for them or have any tips for making my application stand out? Any info would be super helpful!

9 months ago

The Skidmore College merit scholarships mainly consist of the Filene Music Scholarship and the Porter Presidential Scholarships in Science and Mathematics. Here's a brief overview of these scholarships and how to qualify for them.

Filene Music Scholarship: This merit-based scholarship is awarded to talented musicians regardless of their intended major. To qualify, you'll need to submit a separate application by the deadline, which includes a recorded audition and a letter of recommendation from a music instructor. Prepare a strong audition piece and showcase your musical abilities to increase your chances of success.

Porter Presidential Scholarship in Science and Mathematics: This scholarship is awarded to students with outstanding skills in science and mathematics. To be eligible, applicants must have a strong academic record in these fields, such as high grades in advanced courses and participation in related extracurricular activities. While there's no separate application required for this scholarship, having a high GPA, strong test scores, and a record of accomplishments in science and math will help you stand out.

To make your application stand out for both scholarships, here are a few tips:

1. Showcase your academic and extracurricular strengths: Highlight your achievements, leadership roles, and participation in activities related to your area of interest (music for Filene, or science/math for Porter).

2. Obtain strong letters of recommendation: Request recommendations from teachers and mentors who can speak to your strengths, abilities, and potential in your respective fields.

3. Write compelling essays: In your application essays, use specific examples to demonstrate your passion and commitment to the area of interest. Discuss challenges you've overcome, goals you've achieved, or projects you've worked on that showcase your skills and drive.

4. Apply early: Submit your application materials well before the deadline. This shows a strong interest in the college and scholarships, and gives you ample time to gather all required documentation.

5. Maintain a consistent online presence: If you have social media profiles or a personal website, ensure they represent your authentic self and showcase your skills, experiences, and interests.

Remember that Skidmore College also offers need-based financial aid, so make sure to file your FAFSA and CSS Profile for additional financial support. Good luck with your application!

9 months ago

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