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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When can students start taking AP classes?

Hey all! I was wondering when students can start taking AP classes. I'm a freshman right now and curious about how soon I should think about signing up. Cheers!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're already considering AP classes early in your high school career. While the availability of AP courses varies depending on your high school, most students typically begin taking them in their sophomore or junior year. Some schools may even offer a limited selection of AP classes to freshmen.

To get started, it's a good idea to speak with your school counselor or any academic advisors available at your school. They can provide more insight into the specific AP offerings at your school and help you determine the best time and courses for you based on your academic interests, goals, and current course load. It's important to strike a balance between challenging yourself with AP courses and maintaining a manageable workload.

Additionally, keep in mind that colleges value both the rigor of your coursework and your performance in these classes, so it's important to choose AP courses that align with your strengths and interests. Good luck, and I hope this information helps you plan for your upcoming years in high school!

a year ago

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