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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are Vanderbilt's legacy acceptance rates higher?

Hi everyone! So, my dad went to Vanderbilt and I'm planning to apply there as well. I was wondering if being a legacy gives me a higher chance of getting accepted? Has anyone here experienced this or heard about Vanderbilt's legacy acceptance rates? Thanks for the help!

9 months ago

Hi! Though I don't have the exact statistics on Vanderbilt's legacy acceptance rates, it is generally true that being a legacy applicant can give you a slight advantage in the admissions process. Many colleges, including Vanderbilt, do tend to consider family ties as a factor in their decision-making process, with the rationale that legacy students may be more likely to attend and contribute positively to the campus community.

However, it's essential to keep in mind that being a legacy applicant doesn't guarantee admission. Admissions committees will ultimately evaluate your application holistically, taking various factors into account, such as test scores, essays, course rigor, and extracurricular involvement. Being a legacy student can be a small boost in your favor, but it's essential to present a strong overall application to improve your chances.

In conclusion, while being a legacy applicant at Vanderbilt might give you an edge in the admissions process, you should still focus on ensuring that your overall application is strong and competitive. Best of luck with your application!

9 months ago

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