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Choosing a science major - any quizzes?

I'm really undecided about which science major I should pursue in college. Has anyone come across a useful quiz or resource to help me figure out which one is the best fit for me? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hello! It's perfectly normal to feel undecided about which science major to pursue, as there are several fields to choose from. While I don't have a specific quiz to recommend, I can suggest several resources that might help you explore your options and find the best fit for your interests:

1. College websites: Research college websites with strong science programs, and browse through their offerings within science-related majors. Reviewing coursework, research opportunities, and available concentrations may help give you some insight as to what fields resonate with you most.

2. Career Services: If you're already in college or have access to a high school career center, they can be valuable resources in helping you explore potential majors and careers. You can also speak with science professors or advisors who can give you input based on your interests.

3. Online resources: There are several websites that offer career assessments, which can help you identify your strengths and interests. Some of these assessments (like Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or Holland Code) may not specifically direct you to a science major, but they can shed light on attributes that could be useful in determining a compelling scientific field for you. CollegeVine also offers some guidance and resources on choosing majors.

4. Job Shadowing & Internships: If possible, consider job shadowing or completing internships within different science-based industries. This can give you first-hand exposure to various fields, allowing you to evaluate which areas best align with your preferences.

5. Science-related clubs and organizations: Joining a science-focused organization or club in your school or community could provide opportunities for exploration and networking. Collaboration with others who share your interests can help you identify which science major to pursue.

Once you gather more information through these sources, you'll be better equipped to make a well-informed decision on your future major. Best of luck in your journey!

9 months ago

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