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Advice for getting into a good film school (like USC)?

Hey there! I'm passionate about pursuing film and want to apply to top film schools like USC. Are there any alums or current students who can give me some advice on how to make my application stand out?

9 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're passionate about film and aiming for top film schools like USC. Here are some tips to make your application stand out:

1. Portfolio: A strong portfolio showcasing your creative work is essential. Make sure it highlights your unique voice and film making abilities.

2. Grades and Test Scores: While your artistic abilities are important, don't neglect your academics. USC and other top film schools do consider your grades and test scores (if available).

3. Extracurriculars: Get involved in film-related activities outside of school, like participating in local film festivals, joining a film club or even starting your own YouTube channel. This will demonstrate your dedication to the craft.

4. Letters of Recommendation: Request letters from teachers who know your work in film and can speak to your potential for success in the field.

5. Essays: Your essays should tell a compelling story about your passion for film and what makes you stand out. Reflect on specific experiences or projects that illuminate your growth and potential in the field.

6. Network: Reach out to current students or alumni from the film schools you're interested in. They can provide valuable insights and advice based on their own experiences.

For more information on getting into USC, click here: https://blog.collegevine.com/usc-acceptance-rate-and-admissions-requirements/

Good luck with your applications! Remember to stay true to yourself and let your passion for film shine through in your application.

9 months ago

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