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Advice for 'Why UMass Amherst' essay?

Has anyone written an awesome 'Why UMass Amherst' essay that they'd be willing to share some tips or advice from? Writing this essay is stressing me out a bit, any help would be appreciated!

a year ago

First, take a deep breath and remember that it's normal to feel a bit stressed when writing college essays. The good news is that writing a 'Why UMass Amherst' essay can be a great opportunity to showcase your genuine interest in the school and what it has to offer. Here are some tips to consider when crafting your essay:

1. Research: Spend time researching UMass Amherst online to get a feel for the campus culture, programs, clubs, research opportunities, and resources. Make use of the official school website, online forums, and social media platforms to gather more information.

2. Be specific: When writing your essay, provide specific examples of what attracts you to UMass Amherst. Perhaps it's the acclaimed Isenberg School of Management, a particular research lab, or a campus organization that aligns with your interests. Demonstrating your knowledge about the school can make a significant impact on your essay.

3. Connect to your goals: Explain how UMass Amherst will help you achieve your academic, personal, and career goals. Describe how a specific major or program at the school would prepare you to excel in your future endeavors.

4. Show your unique perspective: An outstanding essay will showcase your unique personality and point of view. Mention experiences or personal stories that relate to your interest in UMass Amherst. This could be something like a conversation you had with a current student or an impactful campus visit that made you feel this university is the right fit for you.

5. Mention campus culture: UMass Amherst has a diverse and vibrant campus life, so consider mentioning any aspects that appeal to you, such as student-led organizations, events, or community initiatives. Explain why these aspects contribute to the overall college experience in your eyes.

6. Edit and revise: Take your time with your essay and don't rush the process. Consider asking a teacher, friend, or family member to provide feedback. Revising your essay multiple times will help eliminate any grammatical errors and ensure your essay clearly conveys your message.

By being specific and including genuine experiences or stories, you'll create an essay that stands out to the admissions committee. Remember, being yourself and showcasing your unique perspective is key. Good luck!

a year ago

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