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Any tips for Northwestern's supplemental essay?

I'm starting to work on my Northwestern supplemental essay, and I'd love some advice on how to approach the prompt and make it stand out. Anyone got any tips or experiences to share?

a year ago

When you tackle Northwestern's supplemental essay, it's important to keep a few things in mind to make your response stand out.

1. Research: Start by researching aspects of Northwestern that truly interest you. Look for specifics like unique programs, research opportunities, student clubs, or even the campus culture. Dive deep and find elements that genuinely resonate with your interests and goals.

2. Be specific: Make sure your essay mentions specific aspects of Northwestern that you're excited about. Be as detailed as possible when discussing why you believe Northwestern is the best fit for you. For example, instead of simply mentioning that you're looking forward to participating in research, identify a particular research lab, professor, or initiative that aligns with your interests.

3. Demonstrate fit: Connect your interests, goals, and past experiences to the resources and opportunities available at Northwestern. Show how your interests align with the academic environment and student culture at Northwestern. For example, if you're passionate about writing, discuss how you could contribute to the literary scene on campus or how Northwestern's writing programs would help you grow as a writer.

4. Showcase your personality: While the focus of this essay is on your connection with Northwestern, it's also an opportunity to communicate who you are as a person. Make sure your voice, passions, and unique qualities come through in your writing. This will help the admissions officers get to know you better, which is essential in a selective admissions process.

5. Be sincere: Rather than trying to impress, be honest about your reasons for wanting to attend Northwestern. Admissions officers want to see a genuine interest in their university and an understanding of what makes it special. Your sincerity will be more compelling and memorable than stretching the truth or trying to pretend you're someone you're not.

6. Proofread and revise: It's important to re-read, edit, and polish your essay to ensure it's clear, concise, and free of grammatical errors or typos. Don't be afraid to ask for feedback from trusted friends, family members, or teachers, as they may have valuable insights on how to improve your essay. Keep in mind that your essay should not only address the prompt effectively but also be a well-crafted piece of writing.

Overall, take your time with this essay, and put thought into why Northwestern is truly the right place for you. By showcasing your fit, being specific, and demonstrating sincere enthusiasm for the university, you'll increase your chances of making a lasting impression. Good luck!

a year ago

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