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What summer music programs are available for high school students?

I'm currently looking into attending a summer music program for high school students next year, but I'm not sure which ones to consider. Any thoughts on reputable programs or personal experiences would be great!

a year ago

There are many reputable summer music programs available for high school students, and the best choice for you may depend on your specific interests and goals. Here are a few well-regarded programs to get you started:

1. Interlochen Summer Arts Camp: Located in Michigan, Interlochen offers a wide range of programs in music, including instrumental, vocal, jazz, and more. With world-class faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, this is a great opportunity to hone your skills and meet like-minded students.

2. Tanglewood Institute: Run by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, this prestigious program in Massachusetts is geared towards serious classical musicians. The curriculum emphasizes individual development in an immersive, conservatory-style environment.

3. Eastman School of Music Summer Programs: Eastman, a world-renowned music school based in New York, offers a variety of summer programs for high school students. There are both residential and online options, and you can focus on topics like music theory, composition, conducting, and more.

4. Aspen Music Festival and School: This internationally renowned program based in Colorado allows high school students to study with world-class faculty and perform in beautiful surroundings. Aspen offers a variety of programs such as solo performance, chamber ensembles, and orchestral performance.

5. The Juilliard School Pre-College Division: Though not exclusively summer-based, Juilliard's Pre-College Division offers a wide variety of classes and performance opportunities for talented young musicians. It's a prestigious option for those looking to develop their skills under the guidance of the school's excellent faculty.

If none of these seems quite right, you can also check out a more extensive list on CollegeVine's blog:

When choosing a summer music program, consider factors like location, duration, cost, and your musical interests. Research each program's website to get detailed information on what it offers and requirements for application. You can also reach out to your school's music teacher or counselor for additional guidance on the programs that may best suit you. Best of luck finding the right program for you!

a year ago

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