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Is AP Lang overrated?

Hey, I've been hearing a lot of mixed opinions about AP Lang. Some say it's overrated, while others say you should definitely take it. Can y'all share your thoughts and experiences with the class? It would really help me decide if I should take it next year.

9 months ago

It's true that opinions on AP Lang can be quite varied, and it ultimately depends on your personal goals and academic interests. Here's a quick breakdown of some pros and cons to consider when deciding whether to take the class.


1. Improved writing skills: AP Lang is designed to help students improve their analytical and argumentative writing skills, which can be valuable for many aspects of life, including college admissions essays and future coursework.

2. Critical reading skills: In addition to writing, the class also focuses on analyzing various forms of literature and non-fiction text, including essays and speeches. Developing these critical reading skills can be beneficial when you encounter complex material in college courses.

3. College credit: Scoring well on the AP Lang exam may allow you to earn college credit or advance in your college coursework, depending on the school's policy.


1. Workload: Like most AP courses, AP Lang is known to have a heavier workload compared to regular English classes. If you're already participating in numerous extracurriculars or taking multiple advanced classes, the workload could become overwhelming.

2. Not a requirement for all majors: If you're planning on studying a STEM field or a major that doesn't emphasize writing, taking AP Lang may not seem essential. However, keep in mind that strong writing and communication skills are still useful in any field.

3. Varied quality of instruction: As with any course, the quality of instruction can vary depending on your teacher. Some individuals have a fantastic experience with engaging teachers, while others may encounter educators that make the material seem more mundane.

If improving your writing skills, developing critical reading skills, and potentially earning college credit are priorities for you, taking AP Lang could be a worthwhile investment of your time. However, if you're concerned about workload or feel that it may not benefit you academically in your specific field of interest, it might be worth considering other courses or focusing on the subjects you're passionate about.

9 months ago

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