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Writing Outstanding College Essays

I really want to make an impression on college admissions officers with my essays. Can anybody share some strategies for writing outstanding college essays? How can I make mine unique and captivating?

a year ago

To write outstanding college essays, it's essential to focus on bringing your authentic self to the page while maintaining a unique angle to captivate your readers. Here are some strategies to help you achieve that:

1. Start early: Give yourself ample time to brainstorm, draft, revise, and receive feedback from trusted people, such as teachers, family members, or peers. The more time you have, the better your essay will be.

2. Authenticity: Your essay should reflect your genuine experiences and thoughts. Don't try to impress the admissions officers by writing what you think they want to hear, as lots of other applicants are going to do that and thus you'll end up, perhaps counterintuitively, just blending into the crowd. Instead, share a unique aspect of your life that demonstrates your personality, values, or aspirations.

3. Tell a story: Use narrative techniques, like vivid descriptions and engaging dialogue, to captivate your readers. A well-told anecdote can make a lasting impression and make your essay feel more personal.

4. Make it personal: Your essay should provide insights into your life, interests, and personality that aren't already evident in other parts of your application. This is your opportunity to teach colleges about your perspective on life and how you've grown through specific experiences, in ways that don't already come across elsewhere in your application.

5. Avoid cliche topics: Be cautious of overused themes (sports victories, family trips, etc.). If you choose to write about a commonly-used topic, ensure you have a unique and compelling angle. You can read more about how to do this on CollegeVine's blog:

6. Demonstrate growth: Show how your experiences have shaped your perspective or helped you develop valuable skills and attributes. Colleges want to see that you are capable of learning from your experiences and demonstrating personal growth.

7. Write with your voice: Use a writing style that feels comfortable and natural to you. Avoid overly formal language or excessive jargon. Your essay should showcase your personality and voice, so let it shine through.

8. Revise, edit, and proofread: Great essays go through multiple drafts and revisions. Take the time to refine your essay, paying attention to clarity, organization, and flow. Proofread carefully to catch any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors.

9. Get feedback: Seek feedback from several different people, both those familiar with the college application process and those who know you well. They can provide valuable insight on what's working well in your essay and what might need improvement. If you don't know where to turn, consider taking advantage of either CollegeVine's free peer essay review service, or paid reviews by expert college admissions advisors.

10. Stay within word limits: Adhere to the given word limits for the essay prompts. If your essay is too long, you'll get cut off by the application platform, and if it's too short, it could come across as lacking in effort.

Remember that there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to writing outstanding college essays—focus on crafting a memorable, personal narrative that captures your unique experiences and personality. Good luck!

a year ago

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