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College essays—should they be double spaced?

Hi! I'm starting to work on my college application essays and I'm a little confused about formatting. Should college essays be double spaced or is it okay to keep it single spaced? Just want to make sure I'm doing it right. Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're paying attention to details like formatting for your college application essays. Most college application essays don't have specific formatting requirements, but generally speaking, it's a good idea to double-space your essay. Double spacing can make the essay easier to read and gives it a more polished appearance.

However, it's essential to check the requirements of each college you're applying to, as they may have specific formatting guidelines you should follow. When submitting essays through platforms like the Common Application or Coalition Application, the formatting is automatically set and doesn't usually require you to adjust spacing.

If you're sending your essay via email or uploading it as a separate document, it's best to use a standard format: 12-point font, Times New Roman or Arial, and double-spaced. Remember to include your name and the essay prompt you're responding to at the top of the page.

Best of luck with your college application essays!

a year ago

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