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Recommended summer music programs for high school?

Hey, fellow musicians! I'm a junior and play the violin. I want to expand my musical skills over the summer—any recommendations for high school music programs? Let me know your favorites or the ones you've attended!

9 months ago

Hey there! It's great to see you're looking to expand your musical skills during the summer. As a violin player, you have a lot of excellent music program options to choose from, depending on your interests and level of experience.

1. Interlochen Summer Arts Camp: This camp in Michigan offers a six-week program for high-school-age musicians. World-renowned faculty and guest artists help campers develop their skills and participate in orchestra, chamber music, and choral ensembles.

2. Tanglewood Institute: Located in Massachusetts, the Boston University Tanglewood Institute offers a summer music program specifically for young string players looking to advance their musical knowledge and skills. As part of the program, you'll participate in orchestras, quartets, and other ensemble opportunities.

3. Meadowmount School of Music: Another great option is the Meadowmount School in New York, known for nurturing the talents of great violinists like Itzhak Perlman. This seven-week program involves intensive practice and study under professional violin instructors.

4. Aspen Music Festival and School: This prestigious program in Colorado provides an immersive eight-week experience for musically gifted high school students. You'll have the opportunity to practice with distinguished artists, attend master classes, and participate in orchestras and chamber ensembles.

5. National Youth Orchestra of the United States (NYO-USA): This program, run by Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute, allows high school musicians from around the country to work together and perform at Carnegie Hall before touring internationally.

Do some research on each program, consider factors like location, duration, cost, and your personal preferences, and see which one feels like the best fit for you. Remember to check the application deadlines and requirements, as they can vary across programs. Good luck, and I hope you have a fantastic musical summer!

9 months ago

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