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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Regular decision dates - what to expect?

I'm going to be applying through regular decision for most of my colleges, and I'm a bit anxious about when I'll hear back. Does anyone know the typical timeframe for regular decision notification dates?

9 months ago

I understand that waiting for college decisions can be nerve-wracking, so it's good to have an idea of when to expect results. Regular decision notification dates can vary by college, but generally, they tend to release decisions between mid-March and early April.

Each college may have its own specific notification date, so it's a good idea to visit the admissions website of the colleges you've applied to and keep track of the dates. Additionally, some colleges might have a "rolling admissions" process, which means they will evaluate applications as they’re submitted and notify students on an ongoing basis. In this case, you might hear back earlier, depending on when you submitted your application.

While waiting for your decisions, try to focus on your current studies and other activities to not get too anxious. Once you start receiving your decisions, keep in mind that you'll generally have until May 1st (National College Decision Day) to make your final choice and submit a deposit to secure your spot. Good luck!

9 months ago

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