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UChicago Extended Essay Tips?

I'm struggling with the UChicago extended essay prompt. Can anyone provide suggestions on how to approach this essay or share any examples that might guide me in the right direction? I'm feeling a bit stressed about it. :(

9 months ago

I understand that the UChicago extended essay prompt may seem challenging, but it's important to remember that it's designed to challenge your creativity and showcase your personality. To help you approach this essay, I have a few suggestions:

1. Read the prompts carefully: Before you even begin brainstorming, read and fully understand all the essay options. UChicago's extended essay prompts are often quite unique, so it’s crucial to comprehend the question and what it's asking you to discuss.

2. Choose a prompt that speaks to you: Select the prompt that resonates with you the most or that you find most interesting. Picking a prompt that genuinely excites you will result in a more authentic and engaging essay.

3. Brainstorm creatively: Spend some time brainstorming ideas, thinking outside the box, and considering original angles to approach the prompt. Jot down any thoughts that come to mind, and don't be afraid to experiment with different ideas.

4. Focus on one central idea: Once you've explored various ideas, choose one that you feel strongly about and can develop further. Remember that it's better to have a focused essay with a clear message, rather than a vague, disjointed response.

5. Be true to yourself: Showcase your unique personality, ideas, and experiences in your essay. Be authentic in your writing and give the admissions team a glimpse of who you are beyond your grades and test scores.

6. Maintain a logical structure: While your essay can be creative, ensure that it has a clear structure, with an engaging introduction, strong body paragraphs, and a compelling conclusion.

7. Proofread and revise: Carefully proofread your essay, checking for clarity, grammar, and coherence. Share your draft with someone you trust, such as a teacher or counselor, for feedback and additional suggestions.

For more information click here: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-uchicago-essays-2023-2024

I cannot provide any specific examples, as the most effective essays will be unique to each applicant. However, I encourage you to let your creativity shine and not be afraid to take risks in your writing. The best UChicago extended essays often push the boundaries and showcase the applicant's personality, sense of humor, and depth of thought. Good luck with your essay!

9 months ago

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