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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Why do you want to attend this high school?

As I'm applying to different high schools, one of the common questions that I'm being asked is why I want to attend those specific schools. Can anyone provide some examples or suggestions about how to approach answering this question? What are some key aspects to consider when discussing why a particular high school appeals to me?

9 months ago

When answering the question of why you want to attend a specific high school, it's essential to demonstrate your genuine interest and enthusiasm for the school while showcasing your unique qualities as a student. Consider the following aspects when crafting your response:

1. Academics: Research the school's academic programs and identify which courses, Advanced Placement (AP) classes, or electives align with your interests. Mention how you believe that enrolling in these programs will help you grow academically and prepare you for college.

Example: "I'm drawn to XYZ High School because of its strong emphasis on STEM education, particularly through the AP classes offered. I would be excited to take courses like AP Calculus and AP Physics, and believe they will provide me the foundation for my future interest in engineering."

2. Extracurricular activities: Investigate the clubs, teams, and organizations available at the school and pinpoint specific ones that resonate with your passions or goals. Highlight your desires to contribute to these groups and mention how they will support your overall development as a person.

Example: "I am also enthusiastic about joining XYZ High School's debate team, as I have been passionate about public speaking and current events for several years now. I know that participating in the debate team would help me hone my communication skills and critical thinking abilities."

3. School culture: Assess the school's environment, values, and community. Discuss how these factors align with your own philosophy and approach to learning, or talk about the positive impact they'll have on you as a student.

Example: "One of the main reasons I am interested in attending XYZ High School is the tight-knit and supportive community I have heard about from current students and alumni. I believe that being a part of such a collaborative environment would enable me to thrive as a learner and as an individual."

4. Unique programs or opportunities: If the high school offers any distinctive programs (such as internship opportunities, mentoring, or research programs), mention how they'll contribute to your growth and how you envision maximizing these opportunities.

Example: "XYZ High School's partnership with a local tech company for internships caught my attention. This serves as a unique opportunity to gain real-world experience and apply the skills I would learn in the classroom, ultimately helping me prepare for a future career in technology."

Make sure to personalize your answer, showcasing your genuine interest in the high school and its offerings. Remember to emphasize how your passions align with the opportunities the school provides and how your attendance would be mutually beneficial for both you and the school community.

9 months ago

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