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Help with Stanford's historical moment essay prompt?

Hey everyone, I'm working on my Stanford application, and one of the prompts is about a historical moment that I'd like to visit. I'm struggling to come up with a creative idea that would resonate with the admissions officers. Any advice on how to approach this or examples of moments to highlight?

9 months ago

Hello! The key to answering Stanford's historical moment essay prompt is to think of a unique and personal angle that reveals something about your interests, passions, or values. Instead of focusing on commonly mentioned moments (like witnessing the signing of the Declaration of Independence or the moon landing), dig deeper into your own background and experiences.

First, brainstorm several historical moments that connect to your academic or extracurricular interests, personal identity, or community. Reflect on why they matter to you and how they align with your values. For example, if you're passionate about technology and innovation, you might consider visiting the time when Ada Lovelace developed the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine, illustrating your fascination with the origins of computer science.

Next, ensure that the historical moment you choose enables you to showcase a side of your personality or connect to your application's overall narrative. Keep in mind that your essay should add depth to your application by revealing something new about you. For instance, if you wrote your main essay about your love for journalism and activism, you could pick a moment like witnessing the Stonewall riots to explore the power of grassroots movements in shaping society.

Finally, be sure to convey the significance of the moment in a clear and engaging way. Rather than simply narrating the event, explain why you are drawn to it and what you would hope to learn or experience. Consider the impact of the moment on your personal development, the people around you, or societal progression at large.

By selecting a personal and meaningful historical moment connected to your interests and crafting a thoughtful essay around it, you can create a memorable response that will resonate with the admissions officers. Good luck!

9 months ago

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