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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SAT scores arriving after application deadline?

So, I'm stressing out a bit. What if my SAT scores don't arrive by the application deadline? Will the colleges still consider my application or am I doomed?

9 months ago

It's completely understandable to feel stressed about this situation. However, you'll find that many colleges have a grace period for receiving test scores after the application deadline has passed. If you've already taken your SAT and requested your scores be sent to the colleges you're applying to, your application will typically still be considered even if the scores arrive a few days or even a week late, depending on the college's policies.

To be on the safe side, you should contact the admissions offices of the colleges you're applying to and explain your situation. Ask them about their specific policy regarding late-arriving test scores and let them know when you took the exam and when you expect your scores to arrive. This proactive approach demonstrates your interest in the school and your responsibility as a candidate.

While it's always best to submit all components of your application on time, colleges understand that factors like test score reporting can sometimes be beyond your control. As long as you have submitted the rest of your application materials by the stated deadline, most colleges will be understanding of test score delays.

9 months ago

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