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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Totally lost: what should my activities section look like on applications?

I'm new to this whole college application process and honestly feeling a bit overwhelmed. What should I include in the activities section of my application? Any tips are greatly appreciated.

a year ago

I completely understand how the college application process can feel overwhelming at times. In the activities section, you want to show colleges the extracurricular activities that you have participated in and are passionate about. As you list your activities, keep in mind that quality is more important than quantity.

When filling out the activities section, emphasize accomplishments and leadership roles you've held in these extracurriculars. You can include 8-10 activities, but remember that some can be seasonal, such as sports or clubs that meet only during specific times throughout the year. Try to showcase a variety of interests, but also focus on those activities that demonstrate a strong commitment or a "spike" in a particular area.

When listing your activities, provide a brief description of each, your role or position, the hours spent per week, and the weeks per year that you were involved. This will help colleges understand your level of dedication to each activity. Make sure to highlight any significant accomplishments, leadership roles, or awards received within each activity. This demonstrates your commitment and what you contributed to the group or organization.

Also, don't forget to include any work experiences, internships, or independent projects that are relevant to your interests. These also count as extracurriculars, even if they aren't traditional clubs or organized activities.

a year ago

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