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UT Austin summer camps for high schoolers?

Hey guys! I'm looking for some cool summer camp options at UT Austin for high school students. Have any of you attended one there or know of any good programs? I'm open to various fields of study, so any recommendations would be great!

a year ago

Hi! UT Austin does offer several summer programs and camps for high school students. Here are a few you might be interested in:

1. McCombs Summer High School Programs: These are business-focused programs which include the Discover Yourself in Accounting Majors and Careers (DYMCAC), Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Innovators and Change-Makers (eBIC), and Pathways to Business at Texas (P2B). They provide opportunities for students to explore business and entrepreneurship.

2. UTeach Outreach Summer Camps: These camps are designed for students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. They offer hands-on activities and opportunities to gain real-world experience in STEM-related subjects in a fun and engaging atmosphere.

3. Longhorn Music Camps: For students with a passion for music, the UT Austin Butler School of Music offers various camps and workshops, such as choral, concert band, jazz, and piano camps. These camps provide opportunities for high school students to enhance their musical skills and learn from accomplished faculty.

4. Women in Engineering Program (WEP) Summer Camp: This camp aims to encourage and support young women who aspire to be future engineers. It offers workshops, hands-on activities, and opportunities to meet successful women engineers and professionals from various industries to learn about their experiences.

5. Design, Technology, and Engineering for America's Tomorrow (DREAM) camp: For students interested in engineering, art, design, and math, this camp offers hands-on activities to explore technology and design thinking in an exciting and engaging atmosphere.

These are just a few examples, and it's essential to check the UT Austin website for the latest information and updates on these programs. Make sure to apply early, as some of them have limited spots and may require an application with essays or recommendations. Good luck and have fun exploring these fantastic summer camp opportunities!

a year ago

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