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AP Physics 1 Self-Study Experiences?

Hello everyone! For those who have self-studied AP Physics 1, how did you go about it? Which resources worked best for you, and how long did you spend preparing? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

9 months ago

Hello! Self-studying AP Physics 1 can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Here's a general approach you can follow, as well as some resources that others have found helpful:

1. Start by reviewing the College Board's course outline for AP Physics 1 to understand the scope of the material you'll need to cover.

2. Obtain a textbook, such as "College Physics: A Strategic Approach" by Randall D. Knight, Brian Jones, and Stuart Field, or "Physics: Principles with Applications" by Douglas C. Giancoli. These are popular choices that cover the necessary material, but you can also look into other options that suit your learning style and preferences.

3. Schedule a study plan. Decide how many hours a week you'll dedicate to studying and set a plan to cover all the necessary material well before the exam. Many people spend an entire school year, or at least a few months, preparing.

4. Complement your textbook learning with online resources. Websites like Khan Academy, Flipping Physics, and YouTube offer free lessons, practice problems, and video explanations tailored to the AP Physics 1 curriculum.

5. Make use of released College Board AP Physics 1 exams and practice questions. You can find these resources on their website, which will help you get a feel for the types of questions you'll encounter and the exam format.

6. Some students find additional resources like iOS apps (e.g., The Physics Classroom), online forums (e.g., College Confidential, AP Students subreddit), and study groups helpful in reinforcing their understanding and staying motivated.

7. Don't forget to periodically review previously covered material, since retaining your newfound knowledge is crucial to performing well on the exam. Create flashcards or concept maps to help you with this.

8. Finally, work on your problem-solving skills and practice applying concepts to various scenarios. AP Physics 1 is less about memorization and more about understanding the underlying concepts, so practicing real-world applications is key.

Overall, consistency, organization, and determination will help you achieve your goals. Best of luck with your self-study journey!

9 months ago

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