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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Understanding a 3.4 GPA

Hey guys, I recently calculated my GPA, and it comes out to 3.4. Is this considered a decent GPA for most colleges? Can someone please provide some insight into how competitive it is in the admissions process?

9 months ago

Hello! A 3.4 GPA is generally considered a solid GPA that can make you a competitive applicant for many colleges. It's important to understand that colleges have varying levels of selectivity, though, so what may be a competitive GPA for one college might not be as competitive for another.

To better gauge your competitiveness at specific colleges, it's helpful to compare your GPA to the median GPAs of admitted students at those schools. You can often find this information on the college's website in their admissions section or on sites like CollegeVine.

While a 3.4 GPA is decent, it might not be as competitive for highly selective colleges, where the average admitted student's GPA is often higher (a 3.8 or above). However, do note that earning a 3.4 GPA in challenging classes, or being exceptional in other areas like extracurriculars, can make you a competitive applicant even at these highly selective schools, as they utilize holistic admissions processes.

If you want to get a sense of how your overall profile stacks up at a particular school, consider utilizing CollegeVine's free chancing engine, which factors in every element of your background to give you personalized odds of acceptance at each college you're considering: https://www.collegevine.com/admissions-calculator. Or, if you want to get an initial sense of schools where you're highly likely to be a competitive applicant, you can check out CollegeVine's blog post on schools that regularly accept students with a 3.4 GPA: https://blog.collegevine.com/best-schools-accept-3-4-gpa.

Overall, a 3.4 GPA is competitive at many colleges, but it's essential to research the specific schools you're interested in to understand how your GPA compares to accepted students. Consider focusing on strengthening the other aspects of your application as well, to create a well-rounded, balanced profile. Good luck!

9 months ago

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