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Pros and cons of ROTC in high school?

Hey all! I've been considering joining my school's ROTC program, but I want to weigh the pros and cons before committing. Could you please share your experiences or thoughts on ROTC in high school? How has it impacted your academics, life, and extracurriculars? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Respondent 1:

Hey there! Joining ROTC in high school can definitely come with its pros and cons. I'll share a few of each below:


1. Leadership Experience: ROTC gives you an opportunity to develop leadership skills that will benefit you not only in high school but throughout your life. This can also look good on college applications.

2. Discipline and Time Management: Participating in ROTC instills a sense of discipline and commitment which translates well into other activities, helping you to stay organized and focused.

3. Teamwork: You'll learn to work well with others as you train and engage in various activities within the program.

4. Future Opportunities: If you're considering a career in the military, ROTC can give you a head start on training and understanding how the Armed Forces work. Additionally, some colleges offer ROTC scholarships for students who continue the program in college.


1. Time Commitment: ROTC requires a significant amount of time for training, meetings, and events. This may conflict with your other extracurriculars or could affect your study time.

2. Stigma: Unfortunately, there can sometimes be a stigma attached to participating in ROTC or pursuing a military career. You may encounter people with negative opinions about the program.

3. Not For Everyone: The military lifestyle and the structure found in an ROTC program can be challenging for some students. It may not be the right fit for everyone.

For more information on the Pros and Cons of ROTC click here: https://blog.collegevine.com/want-to-join-rotc-here-are-the-pros-and-cons/

Ultimately, it comes down to your personal preferences, goals, and interests. If you feel like the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and you're passionate about being a part of ROTC, then give it a shot! Good luck!

9 months ago

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