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Academy of Future Physicians?

Just found out there's this thing called the Academy of Future Physicians. Anyone knows what it's all about, and if joining would look good on a college application for pre-med?

a year ago

The Academy of Future Physicians (AFP) is part of the Congress of Future Medical Leaders, an honors-only program for high school students interested in pursuing careers in the medical field. AFP aims to provide students with educational opportunities and mentoring from physicians, medical school deans, and other professionals in the healthcare industry. Participants may engage in live events, webinars, and other interactive sessions focused on medicine and medical research.

Joining the AFP can indeed demonstrate intellectual passion and curiosity, particularly if you are interested in pre-med or are considering a career in healthcare. However, keep in mind that admission committees look at the quality of your involvement rather than just simply joining an organization. If you become a part of this organization, you'll want to actively engage in the various programs and events offered.

In order to make your participation in AFP truly stand out, you should aim for meaningful involvement and potentially even seek out a leadership role. By doing so, you'll demonstrate not only your interest and dedication to the medical field, but also your ability to take initiative, engage with like-minded individuals, and build on your skill set. The deeper your involvement, the more significant the impact on your college application will be.

In conclusion, joining the Academy of Future Physicians can be a valuable addition to your college application if you actively engage in it, take on leadership roles, and can demonstrate your commitment to the medical field. As with any extracurricular activity, the key is having meaningful involvement and showing how this experience has shaped you in some way, rather than simply participating.

Good luck deciding whether this organization is a good fit for you!

a year ago

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