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AP Exams: What Should I Expect?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior rn and I'm starting to think about which AP exams to sign up for next year. What are your experiences with AP exams, and what advice would you give to someone choosing which exams to take?

9 months ago

Hey there! It's definitely a good idea to start planning for your AP exams early. Your choices will depend on your strengths, interests, and future goals. Here's some advice to consider when deciding which AP exams to take:

1. Align with your strengths: Choose AP subjects that you're good at and enjoy. If you've already taken classes in these subjects and received strong grades, that's an excellent indicator that you'll perform well on the related AP exams.

2. Consider your future goals: Pick AP courses that relate to your intended major or future career. Taking and doing well in AP exams related to your field of interest is a great way to demonstrate your commitment and abilities to colleges.

3. Balance your workload: While taking many AP exams may seem impressive, it's essential to ensure you can manage the workload. Remember, you'll still have your regular school work and extracurricular activities to balance, and taking lots of APs but doing poorly in them won't help you either personally or in terms of college admissions.

4. Look at college credit policies: Research the credit policies of the colleges you're interested in, as some schools award credit or advanced placement for AP exam scores. This can help you save time and even money in college.

5. Consult your school counselor or teachers: Talk to your teachers about which AP courses they recommend based on your performance in their classes. Your school counselor can also provide valuable input to help you make informed decisions.

6. Keep the recommended sequence in mind: Certain AP exams, such as Calculus BC, English Literature, or Chemistry, may require prerequisite knowledge or coursework. Make sure you've completed any needed prerequisites before signing up.

Good luck with your AP exam planning!

9 months ago

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