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Weeks spent per year on Common App

I'm a little confused about the 'weeks spent per year' section on the Common App activity list. Can someone help me understand what this means and how I should calculate it for each of my extracurricular activities? Are there any tips or common pitfalls I should be aware of? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

The 'weeks spent per year' section of the Common App activity list refers to the number of weeks per year you dedicate to a specific extracurricular activity. The intention is to provide admissions officers with a clearer understanding of your involvement and time commitment to each activity.

To calculate weeks spent per year, consider how many weeks you are engaged in the activity each year. For example, if an activity such as a sport or club operates during the entire school year for about 36 weeks, you would input 36 weeks. If the activity is seasonal, like a sport that spans only one school semester of 18 weeks, you would input 18 weeks instead.

When filling out this section, be realistic and honest about your time commitment. You do not need to inflate your numbers, because admissions officers are well aware of the limited time students have for extracurriculars. Additionally, make sure the weeks spent per year you provide for each activity make sense given the context. For instance, a summer program that takes place just one month per year wouldn't need more than four to five weeks.

Common pitfalls to avoid include overestimating or underestimating the time commitment and duplicating activities. Be careful not to double-count activities that are part of the same organization, such as holding a leadership position within a club and being a general member. Instead, highlight your leadership role and incorporate the time commitment it requires while also mentioning that you're an active member.

Being accurate and straightforward with your time commitment to each activity will help paint a clear picture of your extracurricular involvement for admissions officers.

a year ago

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