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UC application word limit

Hey everyone, quick question about the UC application essays. Do we have a specific word limit for these essays, or is it a character limit? Also, would you recommend trying to max out the word limit, or is it better to aim for a specific length? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello there! The University of California (UC) application essays, also known as Personal Insight Questions, each have a word limit of 350 words. There isn't a character limit, but the word limit should be adhered to. As for your second question, it's not necessarily about maxing out the word limit; rather, focus on effectively and concisely conveying your story, experiences, and insights.

A well-written essay might be shorter than the word limit, but it's essential that it provides a strong, detailed snapshot of your experiences, achievements, or aspirations. It's more about the content and clarity of your essay than the length. Quality always beats quantity when it comes to college essays.

That being said, if you find you're near or at the word limit and your essay effectively showcases your thoughts, then that's perfectly fine as well. Remember to proofread, revise, and get feedback from others to ensure you're presenting the best version of yourself in your essays. Good luck with your UC application!

a year ago

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