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Stanford Supps: How Important Are They?

Hey guys! I've been working on my Stanford supplements and I'm a bit stressed. How much weight do they carry in the admissions process? Are there any tips for making them stand out?

a year ago

The Stanford supplements are indeed an important part of the admissions process, as they provide insight into your personality, values, and experiences that might not be evident from the rest of your application. While it's difficult to quantify the exact weight they carry, they contribute significantly to the holistic evaluation of your application.

To make your supplements stand out, consider the following tips:

1. Be authentic: The admissions committee is interested in understanding the real you. Make sure to exhibit genuine passion and enthusiasm in your responses. Avoid writing what you think they want to hear; instead, focus on sharing your own voice and perspective.

2. Show, don't tell: Use impactful examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points. This makes your essays more engaging and helps create vivid images of your experiences in the reader's mind.

3. Be concise and focused: With limited word counts, it's essential to make every word count. Opt for clarity and precision, and avoid using overly complex language or unnecessary details.

4. Tailor to Stanford: Demonstrate your knowledge of the university and showcase how you would contribute to the Stanford community. Highlight any unique aspects or resources Stanford offers that tie into your goals and interests.

5. Plan and revise: Give yourself ample time to brainstorm, plan, and revise your supplements. Begin early, and be prepared to undergo multiple drafts in order to produce strong, polished essays.

6. Seek feedback: Share your essays with a trusted friend, teacher, or mentor, who can provide valuable insights and help identify any areas for improvement.

For more information on Stanford essays click here:

Keep in mind that while supplements are important, they are just one part of your application. Admissions committees will evaluate your academic performance, extracurricular activities, test scores (if available), recommendations, and other factors to form a comprehensive understanding of your profile. Strive to present a well-rounded and compelling application overall, with supplements being an important piece of the puzzle. Good luck!

a year ago

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