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University of Chicago essay questions

I'm really excited about applying to the University of Chicago, but I've heard they have some pretty unique essay questions. Could you share what their current essay questions are and any advice on how to tackle them creatively and effectively? Thanks so much!

a year ago

I'm glad to see that you're excited about applying to the University of Chicago! It's true that they're known for having innovative essay prompts that can be both challenging and fun to answer. While I'd recommend visiting their admissions website ( to get the most up-to-date list of essay questions, I can provide you with some general advice on how to tackle these unconventional prompts creatively and effectively.

1. Embrace the unconventional nature of the prompts: Unlike many other schools, the University of Chicago intentionally designs its essay questions to be offbeat and thought-provoking. When reading your response, admissions officers are looking for the same qualities. Keep an open mind, and don't be afraid to explore unusual ideas, scenarios, or perspectives.

2. Show your intellectual curiosity: At its core, the University of Chicago is an academically rigorous institution. They want students who genuinely enjoy thinking critically and delving deeper into topics. When approaching their essay questions, use them as an opportunity to show off your intellectual curiosity and genuine interests.

3. Make it personal: Even though the essay questions might be unusual, this is still an opportunity for you to showcase who you are and what makes you unique. Find a way to make the prompt relevant to your life experiences, passions, or values, so it still functions as a genuine reflection of your personality.

4. Don't shy away from humor: A little bit of humor, when used appropriately, can make your essay stand out from the crowd. Given the nature of the University of Chicago's prompts, there might be more leeway to incorporate humor into your response compared to other schools. Just make sure that your humor is appropriate and doesn't detract from the overall message or quality of your essay.

5. Edit and revise: As with any essay, effective writing requires multiple drafts and revisions. Even if you have a brilliant idea, it's crucial to fine-tune your essay until it's polished and well-structured. Ask for feedback from teachers, friends, college counselors, or parents to ensure you're presenting your ideas in the best possible way.

For more information on these essays click here:

Remember, the University of Chicago's unique prompts are designed to encourage creativity and critical thinking – two qualities that the school highly values. Don't be afraid to take risks and explore new ideas in your essays; this might just be what sets you apart from other applicants and helps you craft a truly memorable response. Good luck!

a year ago

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