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Online community service hours for high school students

Hey, I'm a junior looking for ways to get involved with community service remotely. Since the pandemic, opportunities in my area have been limited. What are some solid online community service programs or initiatives specifically for high school students?

a year ago

Hi there! It's commendable that you're looking to stay involved in community service despite the current situation. Here are a few ideas for online community service initiatives that high school students can participate in:

1. Virtual Tutoring/Mentoring: Many organizations are looking for volunteers to help tutor or mentor younger students or peers online. Programs such as Learn to Be or UPchieve connect you with students who need academic support.

2. Transcription and Translation: Become a transcription volunteer for organizations like Smithsonian Digital Volunteers or Amnesty International, where you can transcribe historical documents or help translate materials for people who speak different languages.

3. Virtual Volunteering for Nonprofits: Nonprofits like and Points of Light offer numerous online projects you can join to make a difference. You can browse through their virtual volunteering opportunities to find a cause that aligns with your interests.

4. Crisis Text Line: If you're interested in supporting mental health, consider volunteering as a crisis counselor with organizations like Crisis Text Line. This role requires training and involves answering text messages from individuals going through crises.

5. Social Media and Content Creation: Leverage your creative skills by volunteering to manage social media accounts or help create content for nonprofits and charities in your area that need a digital presence. Reach out to local organizations and inquire about assisting them with their online outreach.

6. Coding and Website Development: If you have coding skills, you can volunteer for initiatives like Code for Social Good and contribute to projects benefiting nonprofits, as well as offer your expertise to build or improve websites for local organizations.

Remember to track and document your online volunteer hours, as they can still be counted towards your community service requirements. Best of luck with your online community service endeavors!

a year ago

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