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Is SDSU a good choice for pre-med?

I'm considering applying to San Diego State University as a pre-med student. I wanted to know if SDSU offers a good pre-med program and what their track record is for getting students into medical school. Any current students or alumni who can shed some light on this would be awesome!

a year ago

San Diego State University (SDSU) can indeed be a good choice for pre-med students. While SDSU doesn't have a specific "pre-med" major, they do offer a strong foundation in various majors that pre-med students often choose, such as biology, chemistry, and psychology. Here are a few reasons why SDSU can be a good option for pre-meds:

1. Academic opportunities: SDSU provides various opportunities for undergraduate research in the sciences or related fields. Gaining research experience can be significant for your medical school application.

2. Pre-Health Advising: The university offers pre-health advising through their Health Professions Advising Office to help guide students on the path to medical and other health professions schools. These advisors can assist with course selection, extracurricular involvement, and application preparation.

3. Health-related clubs: SDSU has several clubs and organizations that cater to pre-health and pre-med students, such as the American Medical Student Association (AMSA), the Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA), and the Pre-Physician Assistant Student Association (PASA).

4. Location: Being in San Diego, SDSU offers access to various hospitals, research institutions, and clinics where you can gain exposure to the healthcare field and potentially volunteer or intern. This experience can be valuable both for your learning and for your medical school application.

5. Medical school acceptance: Although SDSU doesn't publish specific statistics on their students' medical school acceptance rate, many students each year go on to successful careers in medicine. The key is to maintain a strong GPA, perform well on the MCAT, and build a strong application through research, volunteering, and extracurricular activities.

As you consider SDSU, It's essential to look closely at the majors and programs offered, speak with current students and alumni, and explore the resources available on campus. Overall, SDSU can provide a solid foundation for pre-med students, but it will be up to you to take advantage of the opportunities and resources available to create a competitive medical school application.

a year ago

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