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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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What's the Deal with NYU Acceptance Rates?

Hey everyone! I'm thinking about applying to NYU, but I'm not sure how selective they are. Does anyone know what the acceptance rate has been like in recent years? I know it can vary, but I'd like to get a sense of how competitive it is. Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering applying to NYU. You're right, acceptance rates can fluctuate over the years depending on various factors like application volume and overall competitiveness.

In recent years, NYU has become increasingly selective. According to the NYU official website, the acceptance rate in 2021 was around 12.8%. This was a slight decrease from the previous year's acceptance rate of 15%. The acceptance rate may vary by school or program within NYU as well; some programs may be more competitive than others.

While it's essential to keep acceptance rates in mind, I encourage you to focus on presenting the strongest application possible. This includes emphasizing your extracurricular activities, showcasing your academic prowess, and crafting compelling essays that reveal your unique perspectives and experiences.

Keep in mind that NYU, like many other selective schools, employs a holistic admissions process. This means that the admissions committee will review your application in its entirety, considering various factors such as your grades, test scores, extracurricular involvement, essays, and more. So, even if the acceptance rate seems somewhat intimidating, a well-rounded and competitive application may still lead to success.

Good luck with your application and we're here to help if you have more questions!

9 months ago

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