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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UCLA campus dorm rooms – what can I expect?

Hi! I'm considering applying to UCLA and was wondering about the dorms on campus. Can anyone who has lived in the dorms share their experience? How's the overall quality, room sizes, amenities, social life, etc? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! I'm excited to hear you're considering UCLA. Dorm life is a big part of the college experience, and UCLA has a variety of housing options for you to choose from. The classic residential halls are the cheapest, but have communal bathrooms and smaller rooms. These halls tend to have a lively social scene.

The deluxe residential halls offer more spacious rooms. If you prefer apartment-style living, you can also explore the various residential suites and plazas which provide more amenities and privacy. The campus has great amenities like study rooms, laundry facilities, and dining options.

As for social life in the dorms, it's pretty vibrant at UCLA. There's always something going on - from floor programs and study groups to intramural sports and campus events. Living on campus allows you to make friends and build a strong network easily.

Ultimately, your experience will vary depending on your preferences and the dorm you choose, but rest assured, there's something for everyone at UCLA. Good luck!

a year ago

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