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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

When do regular decision college results come out?

Hey everyone, I've been anxiously waiting for my college decisions. Can anyone give me an idea of when regular decisions typically come out? Is there a specific date, or does this vary by college?

a year ago

Hello! It's natural to feel anxious while waiting for college decisions. Regular decision results do vary by college, but most schools release their decisions between sometime in March, with April 1st being the latest widely used release date. Each college has its own specific timeline, though, and some may not even have one fixed decision day (schools with rolling admissions, for example), so it's helpful to check their websites or reach out to their admissions offices for more information on decision release dates.

Also make sure to regularly check your email and the applicant portals for the colleges you applied to, as important updates and decisions will typically be communicated through these channels. And most of all, try your best to remain patient during this time – it's a nerve-wracking process for everyone involved, but the waiting period is almost over! Hopefully you'll have plenty of offers of admission headed your way soon!

a year ago

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