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Examples of successful Vanderbilt supplemental essays?

Hi guys! I'm applying to Vanderbilt and I'm stuck on the supplemental essay. Could anyone who got accepted share their essay topics or ideas that worked for them? I'm looking for inspiration and any tips would be super helpful. Thank you so much!

9 months ago

Hi there! While I can't share specific essays due to privacy concerns, I can definitely offer some guidance on tackling Vanderbilt's supplemental essay. Remember that the purpose of this essay is to allow the admissions committee to get to know you better, understand your personality and values, and envision how you'll contribute to the campus community.

1. Personal anecdotes: You could write about a unique experience or moment in your life that showcases your character and helps you stand out. This can be related to your academic interests, extracurricular activities, or even a hobby. For example, if you've been involved in a community service project that has significantly impacted you, share your experience and explain how it has shaped your perspective and future goals.

2. Your "spike": Vanderbilt values students with a highly-developed specialty, so sharing your "spike" can be a great topic. Dive into your specific passion and discuss the steps you've taken to excel in that area. Explain why it's important to you, how it aligns with Vanderbilt's values, and how you plan to continue and contribute in college.

3. Unique situations or obstacles: If you've faced a challenging situation or overcome adversity, consider discussing this in the essay. This can help demonstrate your resilience, perseverance, and ability to succeed in challenging environments. Be sure to reflect on the impact it had on your personal growth and how those lessons apply to your college journey.

4. Campus engagement: Research Vanderbilt's programs, organizations, and resources, and explain how you plan to make the most out of your time on campus. Be specific - mention clubs, opportunities for research, or particular classes that resonate with your goals and interests. This shows the admissions committee that you've done your research and are excited about joining the Vanderbilt community.

5. Intellectual curiosity: If there's a particular subject or area of study that has deeply intrigued you, discuss your pursuit of knowledge in this area and why it's meaningful to you. Providing insights into your academic interests and your desire to grow intellectually can demonstrate your passion for learning and enthusiasm for the Vanderbilt academic experience.

As you brainstorm and refine your essay, remember to be genuine, thoughtful, and reflective. Pay attention to tone, ensure proper grammar and spelling, and avoid cliches. Best of luck on your Vanderbilt application!

9 months ago

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