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What counts as community service for high school?

Hi everyone! I want to start getting more involved with community service, but I'm not quite sure what all counts as community service for high school. Can anybody help me with some ideas or guidelines? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hi there! Kudos to you for wanting to get involved in community service during high school! Community service usually includes activities in which you devote your time and effort to help others without receiving any payment. This can take various forms, and it's typically done to benefit a specific group, like your local community, the environment, or a particular cause.

Here's a list of some ideas for community service activities:

1. Volunteering at a local food bank, soup kitchen, or homeless shelter

2. Tutoring or mentoring other students, either individually or through a tutoring program

3. Helping out at a hospital, nursing home, or hospice

4. Participating in environmental conservation projects, such as cleaning up parks or planting trees

5. Assisting with community events, like town fairs or charity fundraisers

6. Organizing or participating in drives to collect items like food, clothing, or school supplies for those in need

7. Volunteering at your local library, museum, or after-school program

8. Participating in initiatives that support specific causes, such as building homes for Habitat for Humanity or raising awareness for mental health issues

9. Contributing to animal welfare by volunteering at a local animal shelter or wildlife rescue center

10. Joining a service-oriented club at your school or in your community, like Key Club, Interact Club, or National Honor Society

Remember, the most important thing is to choose activities that you're genuinely passionate about and engaged in, as this will make your commitment to community service more enjoyable and meaningful. Good luck!

9 months ago

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