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USC New North: Pros and Cons

Has anyone here lived in New North at USC or knows someone who has? What are some of the pros and cons of living there? I've heard mixed things, and I'd just like some honest opinions from those who have experienced it firsthand. Thanks!

9 months ago

Hi there! I've heard various opinions about New North at USC, and I'll do my best to give you an overview of the pros and cons based on those experiences.


1. Social Atmosphere: New North is known for its lively social environment which can be great for meeting new people and forming close friendships.

2. Proximity to Campus: The residence hall is located near the center of campus, making it convenient for getting to classes, dining halls, and other facilities.

3. Traditional Dorm Experience: If you're looking for the quintessential college dormitory experience with communal bathrooms and shared living spaces, New North offers that.


1. Noise: Due to its social nature, New North can be quite noisy, making it more challenging for those who need quiet spaces for studying or sleeping.

2. Small Rooms: The rooms in New North are on the smaller side compared to other housing options on campus, which can be a drawback depending on your preference for personal space.

3. Limited Privacy: Since New North features communal bathrooms and shared living spaces, privacy can be harder to come by compared to other residence halls with suite-style living arrangements.

Ultimately, the suitability of New North as your housing option depends on your personal preferences. Consider your priorities, whether it's having a social atmosphere, quiet study spaces, or more privacy, before finalizing your decision. Good luck and fight on!

9 months ago

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